Stategy 1 – Essential Question Strategies for Tackling the NCE Exam

Essential Question Strategies for Tackling the NCE Exam

Successfully navigating the National Counselor Examination (NCE) necessitates a profound understanding of counseling principles and a tactical approach to answering examination questions. To increase your odds of passing, it’s crucial to master specific techniques that will aid you in handling the NCE effectively. In this write-up, we’ll examine three critical techniques to enhance your comprehension and bolster your test-taking abilities.

Strategy #1: Break Down Complex Questions

Complex questions can seem overwhelming at first glance. The key is to not panic and to dissect them systematically.

  • Read the question slowly and carefully. Pay attention to every detail.
  • Break the question down into smaller parts. If it’s a scenario-based question, identify the key elements of the scenario.
  • Understand what the question is asking you to do. Is it asking for the best intervention? Is it asking what theory the scenario is based on? Is it asking for the most ethical response?
  • Try to answer the question or each part of the question in your own words before looking at the options.

Technique #2: Recognize Keywords and Phrases

Keywords and phrases can guide you towards the correct answer.

  • Look for words that denote specifics like “always”, “never”, “all”, “none”, which might indicate an absolute statement that can be false.
  • Terms like “except”, “not”, or “unless” change the meaning of a question significantly. Pay attention to them.
  • Familiarize yourself with common terminology used in counseling theory, techniques, ethics, and other areas covered by the exam to quickly understand the essence of the questions.
  • Be aware of the context. Certain words may signal the application of a specific counseling theory or method.

Strategy #3: Apply the Process of Elimination

This is an effective strategy when faced with tough questions where the answer isn’t immediately apparent.

  • Start by crossing off any answers that are clearly incorrect or irrelevant. This will typically leave you with two potential answers.
  • Compare the remaining answers and look for subtle differences. One answer may be more comprehensive or precise.
  • Trust your first instinct. Usually, your initial response is often correct, unless you come across information that convinces you otherwise.
  • Don’t leave any question unanswered. If you’re unsure, make the best guess from the remaining options after eliminating the unlikely ones.

Remember, these techniques need practice to be effective. When studying or taking practice tests, actively try to apply these strategies. Over time, they will become second nature and can significantly improve your performance on the actual exam.
